Palestine Speaker Series
Palestinian-Israeli Negotiations and International Law

Questions remain – following the latest ICJ proceedings – on the legitimacy of international law, negotiations, and "the day after.” Do Palestinians envision a post-Oslo Palestinian Authority? Is the PLO considered the legitimate representative body for Palestinians? What role is there for the ICJ and the ICC?
Tamara Essayyad is an international lawyer and negotiator with over 10 years of legal experience and over 20 years of international professional experience in the US, Europe, and the Middle East. As Senior Legal Adviser to the UN supporting the Palestinian-Israeli Negotiations, Tamara Essayyad provided legal counsel on all matters related to the peace process including international law, treaties, and public policy. Additionally, she advised the State of Palestine on numerous economic cooperation agreements and legislative reform. She has taught international law and policy for over a decade.
This talk will be moderated by Khaled Hroub, Professor of Middle Eastern Studies and Arab Media Studies at Northwestern University in Qatar.
Location: Executive Program Suite, Georgetown University in Qatar