Forms and Resources for Students

Leaving and Graduation Forms
- Degree Clearance and Application for Commencement Form – due in the last fall semester before graduation.
- Pre-Departure Clearance Form for Students Graduating or Permanently Leaving GU-Q – This is to ensure that all pre-departure formalities have been concluded by students permanently leaving Georgetown. It is the responsibility of the student to secure a final clearance signature from each of the areas listed on the form. Print the form and complete it by hand. This completed form must be returned to the Associate Registrar for GU-Q, Office 1D13.
- Pre-Departure Clearance Form for Students Temporarily Leaving GU-Q – This is to ensure that all pre-departure formalities have been concluded by students temporarily leaving Georgetown (leave of absence, suspension, etc). It is the responsibility of the student to secure a final clearance signature from each of the areas listed on the form. Print the form and complete it by hand. This completed form must be returned to the Associate Registrar for GU-Q, Office 1D13.
Current Student Forms and Resources
- Conflict Exam Request Form – If a student has no accommodations, this form is due by the last day of classes for that semester. If a student has academic accommodations, this form is due to both OAS and the decanal advisor two weeks before the last day of classes for that semester. During final exam week, one or more of the following could occur with final in-class exams: 1) two exams scheduled for the same time slot, 2) six or more hours of exams scheduled within the same calendar day, or 3) six or more hours of exams start and end within a 24-hour period. If students’ academic accommodations create one of these above conditions, that also qualifies. Students must review the exam schedule in advance. If students find themselves in one of these circumstances, they are encouraged to submit a conflict exam request form to move one of the conflicting exams to the last exam slot of the week (the conflict exam date), noted in each semester’s exam schedule.
- Course Change Form (add/drop or pass/fail grade) – Use this form to add or drop courses, or to request a course pass/fail. Must be submitted by end of Registration Week each semester.
- Cross-Registration Form – Students in their second/third/fourth year can request to take classes at other Education City universities by submitting this form during the first week of classes each semester.
- Incomplete Grade Request Form – Students submit this form to request an Incomplete grade in one or more classes. This usually only happens when medical or other valid extenuating circumstances prohibit a student from completing a final project or exam by the stated deadline, and the professor agrees to give the student more time to complete the final work for the class.
- Language Proficient/Native Speaker Form – Students submit this form to apply for Native Speaker/Language Proficient assessment status (other than Arabic or French)
- Major Declaration – Students complete the major declaration form in fall semester of the second year of studies.
- Name Change Form – If a student’s official name changes during his/her studies, submit this completed form along with a copy of a government issued ID to change the name in the university system.
- Non-Georgetown Summer Course Pre-Approval Application – Complete this application to request approval for taking summer courses outside of Georgetown. Complete it, along with any relevant supporting documentation to be reviewed by your advising dean. Students must also complete the International Travel Authorization Process through the International Safety Office for coursework approval.
- Records Release Form: GU-Q
- Study Abroad Application (non-Washington, D.C. locations) – In their junior year or over the summer Georgetown students can study at over 100 different locations.
- Summer Study at Georgetown’s Washington, DC Campus Clearance Form – Students must submit this form and receive approval to register for summer classes at Georgetown’s Washington, DC campus.
- Title IX Pregnancy Academic Adjustments (2 forms) – Pregnant and newly parenting students are entitled to academic adjustments during their studies at Georgetown. Submit these forms to identify needs and request assistance.
Certificate and Minor Forms
- Certificate in American Studies (CAST) Application Form – Due in spring semester of the sophomore or junior year.
- Certificate in Arab and Regional Studies (CARS) Application Form – Due in spring semester of the sophomore or junior year.
- Certificate in Media and Politics (CMAP) Application Form – Due in spring semester of the sophomore year. Juniors accepted on a case by case basis.
- Certificate in Media and Politics (CMAP) Supervision Form – To be completed by CMAP students and thesis mentors to document the key points from thesis meetings. Submit forms to CMAP curricular dean and CMAP faculty chair.
- Minor Declaration Form – For all minor applications (except Arabic).
- Minor in Arabic Application Form – Due when students declare majors, in their sophomore year. Students may apply as juniors and seniors but should speak with their advisors first to ensure they can complete the requirements by graduation.
Honors in the Major and Research Application Forms
- Honors in the Major Application Form – Students who are invited to apply for Honors in the Major complete this form in spring of their third year of studies.
- Honors in the Major CULP Thesis Timeline – CULP thesis students must adhere to this timeline.
- Honors in the Major Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Release Form – Students whose theses have been awarded Honors in the Major complete this form and submit it to the dean responsible for Honors along with a PDF copy of the final thesis to publish the thesis in Digital Georgetown.
- Honors in the Major CULP Thesis Assessment Rubric – This explains how CULP Honors theses are assessed by the CULP Honors Committee to determine if a thesis is given Honors. CULP Honors students and mentors need to refer to this, so the expectations for Honors theses are clear from the outset.
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) – This is for any student conducting research that involves human subjects. Students must have their research plan approved by IRB before starting the research.
- Student Conference Grant Application – Student Conference Grants are awarded to students, who have done high-quality original research to present their work at relevant and meaningful conferences.
- Thesis Research Guide – Developed by our library and writing center, this guide provides prospective and current thesis writers with key tools and resources to successfully complete a thesis.
- Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP) – This application is for students who want to pursue a research project with the guidance of a faculty mentor.