Other Activities
GU-Q organizes a variety of faculty events that provide a platform for academics, activists, experts, and scholars from all disciplines to discuss their research and expertise and offer insight on key issues. These events bring local and international scholars to the Georgetown campus in Education City to share their knowledge with not only with GU-Q students, faculty, and staff, but the wider community. The events include workshops, lectures, symposiums, and panel discussions.
Academic Year 2023-2024 highlights

Lunch talk with Visiting Fellow
At the end of August 2023, GU-Q Visiting Fellow Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine Director at Human Rights Watch, gave a lunch talk “Human Rights Fact-Finding & Documentation” where GU-Q community got the chance to discuss and ask questions about fact-finding and documentation work the Human Rights Watch does. The talk was moderated by Professor Abdullah Al-Arian.

Faculty book launch
Each year our productive faculty publish journals, articles, book chapters and books. One of the 9 books published in 2023 was Professor Karl Widerquist’s book “The Problem of Property.” The book discusses how to establish and maintain a property system that best promotes freedom from interference.

GU-Q & HBKU Lecture Series
The collaborative lecture series between GU-Q and HBKU; The Foundation of International Thought, brought Professor Tim Meyer to GU-Q to give a talk on “Consumption Governance: The Role of Production and Consumption in International Commerce and International Economic Law”. The talk was hosted by HBKU Professor Georgios Dimitropoulus and moderated by GU-Q Professor Emmanouil Chatzikonstantinou.

Arabic Book Club
The Arabic Book Club in GU-Q, hosted by Professor Yehia Mohamed, brings local and international experts to events to talk about timely topics. The last ABC event of the academic year was a book discussion “Arabic in the Fray: A Study in Ideology, anxiety and Terrorism” with Dr. Yasir Suleiman-Malley from the University of Cambridge and other experts in the region.

Lunch talk by H.E. Dr. Turki bin Abdullah Al Mahmoud
Professor Mehran Kamrava moderated a special lunch time talk with H.E. Dr. Turki, the Director of Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The talk was titled “Qatar’s Key Contribution: Upholding International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law in Times of Crisis”.

Lunch with ICRC
Professor Noha Aboueldahab hosted Basma Tabaja and Yara Khawaja from the International Committee of the Red Cross for an interesting talk about “Safeguarding the Laws of War: The Role of the International Committee of the Red Cross”. Dring this compelling talk, the presenters shared details of their work as well as personal experiences from working in war zones.