Wellness Outreach & Health Promotion Programs

A variety of wellness outreach and health promotion programs are offered throughout the year. We invite you to connect with us, join in the fun, and take proactive steps to live a happy and healthy life.

Get healthier

  • Fitness Classes: We offer free fitness and meditation classes for students. Announcements on upcoming classes are sent by email. 
  • Daily Wellness Fruit: Stop by SWCC for a healthy snack! We know how important it is to maintain adequate nutrition throughout the day. We also know how we don’t always plan ahead and pack a nutritious snack, and all you are left with are less-than-satisfying and usually not-so-healthy snack options. Well, SWCC is here for you, we provide fruit for students during the fall and spring semesters. 
  • Biofeedback Sessions: We offer a variety of biofeedback equipment in our center, which you can use to understand how your heart rate, breathing, and muscle tension are affected by stress and calming activities. Using this equipment can help you to better manage your body’s responses to emotional and mental stress.
  • Oasis Room: Take a mental health break on campus by booking an hour in the Oasis Room.

Learn more about your health through fun activities

  • Students Achieving Healthy Aims (SAHA) Sessions: These health and wellness information sessions present information on a variety of different topics. Stop by to engage in a related activity, pick up literature on the topic, and/or ask questions to either the Student Wellness Counselor or other expert from the community.  
  • Wellness Movie Series:  Enjoy a movie with some friends followed by a discussion about how the movie portrayed a theme around health and wellness, and how the topic affects your life.
  • Special Preventive and Educational Programs: Our special programs vary from an individual activity or event focused on a specific health and wellness topic, or a series of events around a theme. Some of our popular programs include:
    • Stress-Less Week: activities to decrease stress during the week prior to final exams
    • Healthy Start for a Great Finish: breakfast provided during exam days to help optimize your performance  
  • Ask the Expert Webinar Series:  In collaboration with local and international healthcare providers, we offer webinars on physical and mental health topics. Students can participate in these webinars anonymously and pose their personal questions via the facilitators without disclosing who they are. If you are not able to participate in the live sessions, you can access the recordings of the webinars with their follow-up Q&A at your convenience.

Self help resources

  • WellTrack: Interactive self-help therapy site. Use your @georgetown.edu to register and create a login.
  • Virtual Pamphlets: Access a collection of educational pamphlets on various topics.