Campus Medical Care

Important Phone Numbers

Campus Emergency: 4454-0999
Off-Campus Emergency: 999
QF Primary Health Care Center: 4454-1240
Kulud Pharmacy in the Student Center: 4037-8029

Yes. Qatar Foundation (QF) Primary Health Care Center is located in the Student Center (Multaqa). The clinic is managed by a private health facility. Please check with the clinic regarding fees and your insurance coverage when seeking care.

A branch of Kulud Pharmacy is located in the Student Center.

For QF Primary Health Care Center open hours call 4454-1244 or 4454-1240.

QF Primary Health Care Center: 4454-1244 | 4454-1240
Kulud Pharmacy in the Student Center: 4037-8029 | 5560-6956

Yes, to make an appointment with a nutritionist email QF Nutrition Clinic at

Please check with the clinic and pharmacy regarding fees and your insurance coverage for your medication.

Off Campus Medical Care